Beyond:Dockers is a mockumentary podcast, based in the wider universe of Elite Dangerous and featuring some familiar characters.
It documents the daily burdens of various commanders trying to get through an honest day’s work, from the lowly sewage processors to famous wildlife documentary makers.

The show was a huge success with literally dozens of listeners tuning in for the three episodes and the live performances at Lavecon but sadly the network cancelled the show and no new episodes have been made in 3307.
Our exclusive reward tiers are no longer available, but this is what you could have had.

If we meet our target we will record the Christmas Special and release it on all media in time for Christmas Dinner. Your nana will laugh her teeth out or cut you out of her will.
We can’t tell you what will be in it because we haven’t decided yet and you need to show us the money. But we promise it will be full of laughs* mugs and filth.
Just give us the fucking money and we will make it already.
*The show will feature laughter but it may be the canned variety and not necessarily yours.
Team members (1)
Join team- £479 of £2,000