Introducing Giving checkout™
Get started with Giving Checkout
Does your organisation have a JustGiving charity account?
Join JustGiving today to unlock Giving Checkout and receive 100% of every direct donation.
JustGiving offers a range of membership plans, both free and paid. Giving Checkout is included free of charge with all memberships.
If your organisation is already on JustGiving but you can’t log in to the JustGiving Charity Account, we can let your account admin know you’d like access.
Just visit our help centre, submit a ticket with your details, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Great! Simply log in to your account and visit the Giving Checkout tab to get started.
Once you’re logged in, check out the video below, where our Giving Checkout Product Manager Tom will take you through the set up wizard inside your account.
Join these amazing charities using Giving Checkout
An easier way to accept donations.
No fees, no hassle.
- 100% free
- 24/7 support
- Cancel anytime