PLEASE BE AWARE when making a donation using our JustGiving site, once you have entered your card details JustGiving have placed a request for a Tip (JustGiving won't be charging a platform fee to the charity. Adding a small tip on top of your donation means we can continue to help more people.)
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Dundee and Angus Foodbank actually pay a monthly subscription of £39 + VAT to JustGiving who also reclaim payment processing fees and a processing fee for reclaiming Gift Aid.
If you find you have been charged for a TIP that you didn't want to make please email and ask for the tip to be refunded, giving the following information; Payment Date, Payment Amount and Payment Reference/number.
Dundee & Angus foodbank operates on donations of IN-DATE food. However we have to regularly purchase large amounts of food to make up the shortfalls in donations due to the large numbers of people requesting food parcels, currently approx. 16,000 per year, one third of whom are children.
We also run 2 vans to distribute the food round our 2 distribution centres in Angus, 1 distribution centre in Dundee and make deliveries to housebound. Food donated in your area will be used to feed people in your area.
Dundee Foodbank was started in 2004 by Ewan Gurr who became aware of the desperate need to help people in crisis in Dundee. In 2010 Dundee Foodbank joined the Trussell Trust Foodbank Network continuing to expand the work they were doing in helping people with emergency food.
In 2012, having heard of the difficulties experienced by people in Angus, Strathmore Christian Fellowship launched Angus Foodbank as part of the Trussell Trust Foodbank Network. Every day, people go hungry for reasons ranging from unemployment, redundancy, receiving an unexpected bill on a low income, benefit delays or even unexpected illness.
Having discovered how bad the situation was Strathmore Christian Fellowship decided that they needed to act on Jesus words in Matthew 25:35-36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
We provide a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis. Rising costs of food and fuel combined with static income, high unemployment and changes to benefits are causing more and more people to come to foodbanks for help. Dundee & Angus Foodbank partners with churches, statutory services and communities throughout the whole of Dundee and Angus to help and support people in need.
Please donate to support our cause. All food given out is donated by schools, churches, businesses, individuals, or through supermarket collections. These collections engage the public at supermarkets where they are met by volunteers who offer shoppers a foodbank shopping list and ask them to buy an extra item with their shop. At the warehouse, food is sorted by volunteers according to type and best before date, and then taken to foodbank centres, where it is made up into food parcels for clients. Food donated in your area is used to feed people in your area.
Care professionals such as social workers, Citizens Advice Bureau staff, welfare officers, health visitors, Job Centres amongst others, identify people in crisis and refer them to the foodbank. Clients attend a foodbank centre where they receive a warm welcome, compassion and three days supply of emergency food.