JustGiving App Terms of Service

Our terms of service describe what JustGiving does for you and the charities and other good causes you are supporting, and what we kindly request of you as a user in return.

We operate in a number of countries and these core terms of service apply in each. There are some country specific terms which also apply. Please click here for your relevant country specific terms of service in Australia or United Kingdom.

Here are the key points:

  • Online Giving – we run and maintain a website that processes donations on behalf of the charities and other good causes featured on it. For this service, and the support we provide to them and their supporters, charities and other good causes pay us a transaction fee of up to 5% on the donation. Because we promptly pay donations to charities and other good causes, we regret that we can only refund a donation if the charity or other good cause expressly requests it, and they can pay us back. Please get in touch with the charity or other good cause first. For certain causes on the website, we may not process your donation until after a specified fundraising target has been achieved. Where this applies it will be made clear at the time of your donation. Alternatively, for these causes, we may process the donation upfront but if the fundraising target is not achieved you will be able to choose to: give your donation to your chosen project in any event; or transfer your donation to another good cause on the website. For these causes, we regret that no refund will be provided.
  • Your privacy is paramount to us. Our privacy policy shows you how we protect it.
  • If you create a JustGiving fundraising page or use any of our other services, please remember JustGiving is for everyone. We’ll remove offensive, obscene or racist content on the rare occasions when we find it – and we may terminate membership as a result. Please also make sure that the content you upload to the site, especially pictures, is not copyright-protected.

That’s it. If you want the full, extended version, here it is:


JustGiving is a trading name of the local JustGiving entity as identified in the country specific terms of service. JustGiving operates www.justgiving.com (the “Website”) and its associated services. These core terms of service (and the relevant country specific terms) (together the “Terms of Service”) govern your use of the Website and its associated services. Please read these Terms of Service carefully. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Service, you should not continue to use or access the Website or its associated services.


These Terms of Service may change or be updated from time to time. It remains your responsibility to access and check these Terms of Service wherever you access the Website. The latest version of these Terms of Service will govern any future usage by you of the Website and its associated services.


About the charities, good causes and organisations featured on the Website


The Website and its associated services allows you to donate to, and raise funds for, any of the causes listed on the Website (“Causes”) which could include charities, certain non-charitable good causes referred to on the Website as JustGiving Projects (“JustGiving Projects”) and other listed organisations. Every Cause featured has a contractual agreement with JustGiving authorising JustGiving to collect donations on its behalf. Causes are listed on this Website at JustGiving’s discretion, however we cannot accept responsibility for the activities of the Causes. A charity must have the appropriate authorisation, permit or licence to operate as a charity, as required by the local laws of the territory in which it operates. You should note that JustGiving Projects are probably not charities therefore you should read the description of them carefully and be happy that they are genuine and suitable to receive your donation. Different charities, JustGiving Projects and other organisations can have similar names: it is your responsibility to check that you are donating to the Cause you intended.




Subject to the requirements of applicable local laws, and what we say below in relation to JustGiving Projects, once your donation is made, it will only be refunded to you with the prior written consent of the Cause to whom it has been made, regardless of whether or not the donation had been paid to the Cause by JustGiving. Before a donation is refunded, the relevant Cause must agree that JustGiving may, subject to local applicable laws, deduct the amount to be refunded from subsequent payments to be made by JustGiving to the Cause. Where no further payments are due to be made to such Cause within one (1) week of the refund being made to you, JustGiving reserves the right to invoice the Cause for the amount of the refund and the Cause must agree to settle that invoice within one (1) month of the date of the invoice. In relation to JustGiving Projects, JustGiving may not charge your donation to your payment card account (using the details you provide at the time of donating) until after the fundraising target has been achieved. Alternatively, JustGiving may charge the donation to your card account at the time of donating but if the JustGiving Project fundraising target is not achieved JustGiving will allow you to either: make your donation to the JustGiving Project in any event; or transfer your donation to another Cause on the Website. For donations made to JustGiving Projects no refunds will be provided, subject to applicable local laws. If you do not agree to this you should not use the Website to make donations to JustGiving Projects.


Use of your donation


JustGiving does not warrant that your donations will be used for any particular purpose and shall not be responsible for any dissatisfaction you may have regarding the recipient Cause’s use of any donation you may make through the Website or its associated services or websites powered by us or for any misuse or non-use of such donations by the recipient Cause. After donations are made, all further dealings are solely between the donor and such recipient organisation.


Please note that recipient organisations (excluding JustGiving Projects) reserve the right to use your donation for their general purposes. They will use your donation for any purpose in accordance with their own rules. JustGiving cannot guarantee that funds will be earmarked for a particular appeal. If you want your donation to be used for a specific purpose or for a particular appeal you should contact the organisation and make your donation directly to them.


JustGiving will verify the identity of a JustGiving Project creator when they set up a JustGiving Projects page but JustGiving shall have no liability to donors whatsoever for any use or misuse of donations made to the JustGiving Project. The JustGiving Projects service is intended to open up fundraising activities for good causes which are not charities. The JustGiving Project may state that they will use donations only for specific purposes however JustGiving cannot guarantee that they will use it for such purpose. If you have any doubts as to how the money will be spent then you should contact the JustGiving Project directly to seek reassurance. It is your sole responsibility, as a user of the Website, to ensure that the good cause stated to be supported on a relevant JustGiving Projects page is one that you wish to support.


JustGiving fees


JustGiving charges a small transaction fee on every donation made on the Website or its associated services. The fee is currently up to 5% of the gross donation. Subscription fees also apply to member charities in the UK for additional services. For full details please visit www.justgiving.com/charities.


Unauthorised card use


When a donation is made on the Website and charged to your card the transaction is final and not disputable unless unauthorised use of your payment card is proved. If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider in accordance with its reporting rules.


Protecting your account


When you register with JustGiving and choose a password to protect your secure account, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password to prevent others gaining access to your personal information.  This includes any taxpayer details you may have saved under your profile in order to claim Gift Aid. Claiming Gift Aid using someone else’s taxpayer information is against the law.  If you become aware of any unauthorised use of your account, we recommend that you change your password immediately and call our helpdesk on the telephone number set out on the Contact Us page.




JustGiving is not an accounting, taxation or financial advisor, and you should not rely on information given on the Website or its associated services to determine the accounting, tax or financial consequences of making a donation to charity, not-for-profit or JustGiving Project. We strongly recommend that you consult your own adviser(s) about any accounting, taxation or financial consequences that may affect you.




JustGiving’s Privacy Policy forms part of these Terms of Service. By agreeing to these Terms of Service you also give your consent to the way we may handle your personal information under that Policy. Read our Privacy Policy here.


User conduct


You must at all times use the Website and its associated services in a responsible and legal manner and ensure that the content you provide does not breach any intellectual property rights of a third party or breach any right or duty owed to a third party. In particular, but not exclusively:

  • You must not upload offensive, obscene, racist, defamatory, misleading or deceptive content, including photographs, on to the Website or its associated services. JustGiving does not actively edit the Website but reserves the right to remove or edit any content posted on the Website or its associated services at its sole discretion and without notice, regardless of whether or not it is, in the opinion of any third party, offensive, obscene, racist, libellous, misleading or deceptive. If you notice any such content, please email us at help@justgiving.com.
  • If you build a fundraising page on JustGiving, you must ensure that any information you provide to the public is accurate and not misleading. It is your responsibility to ensure that the content you are uploading on your page, in particular the photograph, is not copyright-protected. If it is, you must obtain the copyright owner’s written consent to use it. JustGiving reserves the right to remove any pictures, photographs or copy from personal fundraising or JustGiving Projects pages, at its sole discretion and without notice if their copyright status is in any doubt. If you suspect a breach of copyright on the Website, please email us at help@justgiving.com.
  • Other than in relation to your own JustGiving fundraising page or JustGiving Projects page, you may not remove or change anything on the Website.

In addition, you as a user must not:

  • misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any other person or organisation;
  • use the Website to send junk email or ‘spam’ to people who do not wish to receive email from you;
  • use the Website to conduct, display or forward surveys, raffles, lotteries, contests, pyramid schemes or chain letters;
  • interfere with, or disrupt, the service or services or networks connected to the service and introduce any computer virus (including any variant or similar malicious code or instructions) to the JustGiving systems;
  • disclose any information relating to any donor except with the consent of the donor or as permitted by applicable local laws.

JustGiving reserves the right to cancel your membership and delete any JustGiving page without notice in the event of a breach of the above rules.


Building a JustGiving page in aid of a Cause in no way implies JustGiving’s or the Cause’s endorsement of your fundraising activity. Many Causes disapprove of, and do not wish to be involved in, dangerous sports or unusual challenges. It is your responsibility to check with the Cause first that your chosen activity does not contravene the Cause’s policies. JustGiving reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and without notice, to cancel your personal fundraising page at the request of the Cause, in the event that the Cause, in its absolute discretion, deems your fundraising activity inappropriate or unnecessarily dangerous.




The Website and its associated services contains links to the websites of Causes. Inclusion of a link to another website does not imply endorsement of its content or opinions. Your relationship and any transactions with other organisations through their websites or otherwise are your own responsibility.


Partner Services


JustGiving may from time to time select partners offering relevant information and services that we believe will enhance our provision for visitors to the Website. Whilst we will do our best to select partners of the highest integrity, we are not responsible for any aspect of the information or services offered by them, and if you choose to use their services you do so at your own risk.




The names JustGiving, Justgiving.com, the JustGiving logo and any other product and service names that we may present on the Website or its associated services from time to time may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not JustGiving’s, nor in any manner that is likely to cause confusion, or in any way that may disparage or discredit JustGiving. Other trademarks, service marks or logos that appear on the Website or its associated services, in particular (but not exclusively) those of member charities, JustGiving Projects or other organisations, are the property of their respective owners and are likely to be registered trademarks and subject to restrictions as to their use. They must not be used without the express permission of both JustGiving and the trademark owner.




All content on the Website and its associated services is owned by JustGiving, our member charities, JustGiving Projects or other original providers, and is protected by the applicable intellectual property and proprietary rights and laws. You may copy content for your own personal, non-commercial use provided you do not alter it or remove any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary notice. No other use of the Website’s and its associated services’ content is permitted without the express prior permission of JustGiving, and, where applicable, the copyright holder. Inquiries and permission requests may be sent to help@justgiving.com.


Changes to the service


JustGiving will make every effort to ensure that the Website and other services are available continuously, but reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue all or any part at any time with or without notice. Unless specifically exempted, any new features, services or software applications introduced shall be subject to these Terms of Service.


Failure to comply with these Terms of Service


In the event that you commit a breach of these Terms of Service, JustGiving reserves the right at its sole discretion to immediately and without notice suspend or permanently deny your access to all or part of the Website and associated services.




You may discontinue use of the Website and associated services at any time. These Terms of Service will continue to apply to past use by you.


Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability


JustGiving does not, and nothing in these Terms of Service shall act to, exclude or limit JustGiving’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence, fraud or any other liability which may not by applicable law be excluded or limited. You agree that your use of the Website and its associated services is on an “as is” and “as available” basis and that your use of the Website and its associated services is at your sole risk. JustGiving does not guarantee continuous uninterrupted or secure access to our services and operation of the Website and associated services may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control. On that basis, except as expressly set out in these Terms of Service and except for the rights, guarantees and remedies which cannot be excluded, JustGiving does not provide other conditions, guarantees, warranties or terms in relation to the Website or its associated services, to the extent permissible by law. JustGiving shall undertake general maintenance and upkeep of the Website, at the times set out in the applicable country specific terms, from time to time. During these periods, the Website and its associated services may not be available for use. In exceptional circumstances, the Website and associated services may also become unavailable at other times.


JustGiving shall only be liable under these Terms of Service for losses which are reasonably foreseeable and caused by JustGiving’s breach of these Terms of Service or JustGiving’s negligence. JustGiving’s total liability to you arising under or in connection with these Terms of Service, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the total sum of the donations you have made using the Website in the preceding 12 month period, ending on the date the circumstances giving rise to JustGiving’s liability arose.


JustGiving’s liability to you shall not include losses relating to any business of yours or your own losses such as lost or corrupt data, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of business opportunity, loss of sales, loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, loss of any software or data, loss of bargain, loss of opportunity, loss of use of computer equipment, loss of or waste of management or other staff time.


JustGiving may change the format and content of the Website and its associated services from time to time. You should refresh your browser each time you visit the Website to ensure that you download the most up to date version of the Website, including the latest version of these Terms of Service.


Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes any statutory rights which may apply to your use of the Website and associated services which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by contract.


Governing law


These Terms of Service and any contractual or non-contractual dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the associated services are governed by the law, and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of, the country set out in the country specific terms.


Third party rights


A person who is not a party to these Terms of Service has no right to enforce any term of these Terms of Service.




These additional terms apply and will prevail where you access the Website or associated services in Australia.


The local JustGiving entity and the company who provides the service to you in Australia is Everyday Hero Pty Ltd trading as JustGiving Australia, Level 2, 65 Berry Street, North Sydney, NSW, 2060 AUSTRALIA.


JustGiving fees


All payments referred to in these Terms of Service are exclusive of GST.


Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability


If you live in Australia, the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) may confer rights, guarantees and remedies on you in relation to the provision by JustGiving of services on the Website, which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. JustGiving does not exclude, restrict or modify those rights.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, JustGiving’s liability for breach of any consumer guarantee, which cannot be excluded, is limited at the option of JustGiving to, in the case of services supplied or offered by JustGiving which are not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption (i) the supply of the services again; or (ii) the payment of the cost of having services supplied again.


The times at which JustGiving shall undertake general maintenance and upkeep of the Website will be between 12.00am and 08.00 hours (GMT) at the weekends.


Governing law


These Terms of Service and any contractual or non-contractual dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the associated services are governed by the law of New South Wales, Australia and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia.




These additional terms apply and will prevail where you access the Website or associated services in the United Kingdom or any other part of the world (other than Australia).


The local JustGiving entity and the company who provides the service to you is Giving.com Limited, whose registered office is at WeWork, 10 York Road, London, SE1 7ND, United Kingdom.


Gift Aid and tax (this section is applicable to UK Tax Payers only)


When you donate to a charity and certain Community Amateur Sports Clubs (“CASC’s”) on the Website or its associated services and confirm that you are a UK taxpayer in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid scheme as they apply from time to time, JustGiving reclaims Gift Aid on behalf of the charity or CASC under the UK government’s Gift Aid scheme.


Every charity or CASC that is a member of JustGiving has a contractual agreement with JustGiving authorising it to reclaim Gift Aid on its behalf. Charities and CASC’s must be registered with the Charity Commission or exempt from registration for JustGiving to reclaim Gift Aid on their behalf. JustGiving also features certain not-for-profit organisations and JustGiving Projects, which are not eligible for Gift Aid reclaim. These are clearly listed on the Website as not eligible for Gift Aid reclaim. Donations to these Causes are not tax deductible.


When a donation is eligible for Gift Aid reclaim, the fee JustGiving charges is up to 5% of the gross donation, which is the donation plus any Gift Aid reclaimed. When a donation is not eligible for Gift Aid reclaim, the up to 5% fee applies to the donation alone.


Non member charities (applies to the UK only)


JustGiving also runs a “non member charity” service. This means JustGiving will also feature on our Website most of the charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, even if they are not one of our member charities. We have made arrangements to allow donations to be made to non member charities through the JustGiving Foundation, who will collect Gift Aid on their behalf. The JustGiving Foundation provides a purely administrative role in collecting donations and reclaiming Gift Aid on behalf of the non member charities.


When JustGiving sends a donation to a non member charity, JustGiving will send the non member charity a cheque for the donation plus the Gift Aid, minus JustGiving ‘s standard 5% fee (see the “Gift Aid and tax” section above). If the non member charity accepts the donation by cashing the cheque an agreement will be formed with JustGiving. If they do not accept the cheque they will not enter into any agreement with JustGiving and the donation will not be processed. It may take up to six months from when JustGiving passes your donation on to the charity to confirm that the donation will not be processed as cheques are valid for this period. If the non member charity sends the cheque back to JustGiving earlier, JustGiving is unable to make payment or doesn’t feel it is appropriate to pass on a donation (for example, if a charity has been de-registered by the Charity Commission or has a sanction listed against them) then JustGiving will contact you so as to return the donation to you. If JustGiving is unable to contact you then JustGiving will select an appropriate alternative charity to pass the donation to.


JustTextGiving (applies to the UK only)


JustTextGiving is one of JustGiving’s associated services. It is a text giving service that processes donations and JustGiving reclaims Gift Aid on behalf of the charities featured on it. JustGiving does not currently charge charities or donors for this service, although JustGiving reserves the right to charge the transaction fee in the future. If JustGiving does decide to charge for the service, JustGiving will tell you in advance.


Text donations may be refunded in certain circumstances (such as where the donation was sent from your mobile phone by mistake or without your permission) at the absolute discretion of your mobile phone operator. If you wish to request a refund you should contact your mobile phone operator to discuss this with them. There is no obligation for your mobile phone operator to provide a refund and they may choose to refund only part of the donation if they wish. Because JustGiving pays donations via text to charities regularly, we regret that we can only refund a text donation if the charity expressly requests it, and they can pay us back. Please get in touch with the charity first.


Your mobile operator will pass 100% of the text donation onto JustGiving. The minimum text donation is GBP £1 and all donations must be in whole pounds sterling. The maximum text donation allowed is GBP £10 for all mobile operators. Donations sent via text will usually incur your standard text message fee. Please refer to your tariff for details of your standard text message fee.


After you send a donation via text JustGiving will send you a text message in response, confirming your donation and providing you with the opportunity to add Gift Aid to your donation. JustGiving will include a link to a Gift Aid page where you can provide your details to enable JustGiving to collect Gift Aid on your behalf. Alternatively, JustGiving may send you a text message asking if you would like to add Gift Aid to your donation and to reply to this text message giving your name, address and postcode. If you reply to JustGiving text messages regarding Gift Aid your mobile operator will charge you one standard text message fee.


User conduct


You, as a user of the Website, must not provide a donor with any gift, prize or any other form of incentive in connection with the making of any donation by the donor.


JustGiving fees


All payments referred to in these Terms of Service are exclusive of Value Added Tax, where applicable.


Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability


The times at which JustGiving shall undertake general maintenance and upkeep of the Website will be between 12.00am and 08.00 hours (GMT) at the weekends.


Governing law


These Terms of Service and any contractual or non-contractual dispute arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or the associated services are governed by English law and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.




If you create a JustGiving Projects page on the Website the following additional terms will apply to your dealings with JustGiving in relation to the relevant JustGiving Project and your use of the Website and associated services. To the extent there is any conflict between these additional terms and the core terms of service, these additional terms will apply:


Donations and Bank Trust Funds Accounts


JustGiving will:

  • Maintain Trust Funds Accounts at Barclays Bank PLC in London in relation to donations made to your JustGiving Project. These are trust bank accounts in which monies (other than the interest accruing on such monies) are held on trust for all JustGiving Projects and other Causes and do not belong to JustGiving;
  • Operate the Website so that donors can make online donations by credit or debit card, or by any other payment method available on the Website, through your JustGiving Project page;
  • Set up arrangements to ensure that all donations (after deduction of bank processing charges, JustGiving’s transaction fees as set out below and applicable sales taxes) are:
      • Paid into the Trust Funds Accounts and are held on trust for your JustGiving Project; and
      • Paid out by BACS payment from the Trust Funds Accounts to your bank account within 10 business days of the end of the funding period for the JustGiving Project subject to your JustGiving Project fundraising target having been reached or exceeded. If your JustGiving Project does not reach or exceed its fundraising target we will not transfer any donations to your bank account; and
  • Provide information systems design, testing and verification standards and requirements in accordance with good industry practice to ensure that donors’ credit cards, debit cards and other payment types are debited and the Trust Funds Account is credited in a secure manner.

Support and Donation Acknowledgements


JustGiving will:

  • Send prompt e mail acknowledgements to donors in respect of each donation made to the JustGiving Project via the Website; and
  • Respond, either by email or telephone as appropriate, on your behalf to donors’ account enquiries received by JustGiving, in accordance with the Contact Us page on the Website.

Personal Information


JustGiving will:

  • Capture personal information including but not limited to the donor’s name, title, address and email address (“Personal Information”) at all times in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and related legislation, regulatory requirements and guidance as updated and amended from time to time (“Privacy Laws”) and protect and secure such information. For the avoidance of doubt this paragraph does not imply that JustGiving will share such information with you and/or the JustGiving Project
  • To the maximum extent possible under applicable law, abide by the instructions of all donors in respect of their Personal Information;
  • Not sell, trade or rent Personal Information to third parties.


  • JustGiving will comply at all times with all applicable laws relevant to fund-raising and any authority, licence, permit or registration requirements, as amended from time to time; and
  • JustGiving may, at its sole discretion, evaluate your JustGiving Project page and/or the underlying project or cause prior to publication of your JustGiving Project page and decide whether or not to publish it on the Website.



JustGiving, as operator of the Website and associated services, acts as an intermediary between you and the individual users of the Website and associated services and whilst your and/or the JustGiving Project and the individual user information resides on the Website or associated services, JustGiving does not check or exercise any editorial control over the content of such information, save as required by applicable laws. In the event that JustGiving is made aware of or has knowledge of any unlawful activity or information on the Website or associated services, JustGiving shall act to remove or disable access to the information. JustGiving shall not be liable to you or the JustGiving Project as a result of its role as intermediary.


JustGiving Project creator obligations


You agree that:

  • Where applicable, you shall ensure that the manager(s) of the JustGiving Project entity for which you have created a JustGiving Projects page agree to you raising funding on its behalf;
  • If your use of the Website and/or associated services results in access to any Personal Information you shall: (i) at all times assist with the responsibilities of JustGiving, as a data controller responsible for determining how the Personal Information is processed under the provisions of the Privacy Laws; (ii) not do, or cause or permit to be done, anything which may result in a breach by JustGiving of the Privacy Laws and comply with all reasonable instructions from JustGiving relating to the processing by you and/or the JustGiving Project of such Personal Information; (iii) comply with the Privacy Laws in respect of your and/or the JustGiving Project’s collection, use, disclosure or processing of the Personal Information; (iv) abide by the lawful instructions of all data subjects in respect of the Personal Information and not do anything to compromise the security of such information; (v) not sell, trade or rent Personal Information to third parties; (vi) hold the Personal Information securely and not disclose it to anyone other than JustGiving, as agreed to by the data subject and/or as permitted by Privacy Laws; (vii) implement adequate security, technical and organisational measures against all unauthorised, unlawful or accidental access, processing, use, erasure, loss or destruction of, or damage to, Personal Information in accordance with Privacy Laws, and abide by JustGiving’s reasonable requirements to ensure the security of the Personal Information as notified to you from time to time; (viii) use Personal Information appropriately and only for the specific purposes as notified to you from time to time, including by way of the applicable privacy policy available on JustGiving’s Website; (ix) only communicate with donors where they have agreed to receive further communications from you and/or the JustGiving Project, and only to the extent that they have indicated their preference to do so (for example in relation to communications for a specific fundraising event only); (x) not retain any Personal Information for longer than is necessary; and (xi) to the extent legally permissible, you shall indemnify and hold harmless JustGiving, its successors and assigns, from and against all losses, costs and other damage caused by your and/or the JustGiving Project’s breach of this paragraph; and
  • You shall maintain any necessary authority, permit, licence, consent, approval and registration for you to fundraise (and, where applicable, for JustGiving to fundraise on your behalf) in accordance with applicable laws and if JustGiving needs any such authority, permit, licence, consent, approval or registration for it to fundraise on behalf of the JustGiving Project then you will, at no cost to JustGiving, provide all such assistance as JustGiving reasonably requires to assist JustGiving with the same. You agree that you shall inform JustGiving immediately if, for any reason, you and/or the JustGiving Project cease(s) to maintain the necessary authority, permit, licence, consent, approval and/or registration to operate the fundraising activities in relation to the JustGiving Project in accordance with applicable local laws.
  • By building a JustGiving Projects page you represent, warrant and undertake to JustGiving and the users of the Website that:
    • you are 18 years of age or over;
    • you are a UK resident and your JustGiving Project is based in the UK;
    • the JustGiving Project is a specific, one-off project (and not aimed at providing on-going support to a Cause) which is capable of producing tangible outcomes once the fundraising target is achieved;
    • the JustGiving Project is for the benefit of an individual in a community or for the benefit of a community as a whole;
    • you will provide feedback via your JustGiving Projects page on the Website at the end of the fundraising period to explain whether or not the fundraising target was achieved and what tangible outcome has been or will be achieved as a result; and
    • that all donations provided to the JustGiving Project will be used for the purposes set out on your JustGiving Projects page. You further represent, warrant and undertake that no fraudulent, criminal or otherwise improper uses will be made of donations made via your JustGiving Projects page.


Licence of Trademark


You hereby grant to JustGiving, its affiliates and its partners a non exclusive licence to use any of your JustGiving Project’s trademarks solely in connection with the Website and associated services and its operation and promotion and for no other purpose whatsoever.


The licence shall terminate automatically on expiry or termination of these Terms of Service or the removal of your JustGiving Projects page from the Website in accordance with these Terms of Service.




In consideration of using the Website and associated services, you shall pay a transaction fee to JustGiving of 5% of the gross amount of every donation.


JustGiving is, subject to applicable laws, hereby authorised to deduct the transaction fee together with applicable taxes and bank processing charges from the donations provided to you under these Terms of Service.


Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability


Notwithstanding the provisions of the “Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability” section of the core Terms of Service, JustGiving’s total liability to you arising under or in connection with these Terms of Service, so far as such liability arises out of or relates to your creation and/or use of a JustGiving Projects page, shall be limited to the total fees paid by you to JustGiving under these Terms of Service for your use of the Website and associated services during the preceding 12 month period ending on the date the circumstances giving rise to the liability arose.


Confidential Information


During the term of your project and for a period of seven (7) years thereafter, the parties shall treat as strictly confidential all information about the other which has been acquired as a result of the use of the Website and associated services and which is not in the public domain. No party shall use or disclose to any third party such information belonging to the other party without that party’s prior written consent, except where required to do so by applicable law, including, without limitation, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, or regulatory or governmental body. This paragraph shall survive termination of these Terms of Service.




JustGiving reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately and without notice suspend or permanently deny your access to all or part of the Website and associated services where you breach these Terms of Service including where there is any actual or suspected fraudulent, criminal or improper use of the Website or associated services. These Terms of Service shall terminate automatically upon the removal by you or JustGiving of your JustGiving Projects page from the Website. These Terms of Service will continue to apply to past use by you.


Upon termination or suspension or denial of access to the Website and associated services, funds already received on your behalf by JustGiving will be handled in accordance with the provisions above, provided that any potential repayment (where applicable) may be delayed where JustGiving conducts an investigation regarding your use of the Website and associated services and may decide to refuse to pay funds across to you where you have breached these Terms of Service. In such circumstances JustGiving may authorise a refund of donations to donors.