London Marathon

Sunday 27th April 2025

Run the London Marathon and raise money for a cause you care about.

Start fundraising


Win a £2,000 donation!

Make an even bigger impact for your chosen charity. We’re giving away £2,000 to one London Marathon fundraiser on JustGiving every month from September to November!

Every donations counts as an entry, so start fundraising and share your Fundraising Page for more chances at this big prize.

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Every step makes a difference

As London Marathon’s most trusted fundraising platform, we helped runners using JustGiving reach these record-breaking achievements in 2024:

  • Over £41 million raised for charity

  • Over 18,000 Fundraising Pages created

  • Over 959,000 donations to charities

Thanks to you, over 1,700 charities will be able to provide life-changing support to those who need it most.


2025 London Marathon

Ready to run? The TCS London Marathon is one of the most iconic sporting events in the world, and a must-do for running enthusiasts.

You’ll run past iconic landmarks like Big Ben, the London Eye, and Buckingham Palace, with support from the crowd, fellow runners, and our JustGiving Cheer Squad. From your first donation to the finish line, we’re with you every step of the way!

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Join these difference-makers

Fay’s London Marathon

Fay raised over £2,000 for Centrepoint, the UK’s leading charity for homeless young people.

Visit Fay’s page

Haroon’s London Marathon

Haroon completed the London Marathon as part of a worldwide four-marathon challenge to raise money for Penny Appeal.

Visit Haroon’s page

Bryce’s London Marathon

Bryce smashed his fundraising target by running the marathon dressed as a brain!

Visit Bryce’s page


Reach your marathon target

Donate to yourself

On average, those who start their fundraising by making a donation to their own page go on to raise 58% more than those who don’t.

Personalise your page

Tell people why you’re doing it for the cause. Sharing a summary of why you’re supporting your chosen charity can lead to 36% more donations.

Share your page

Spread the word! Every share of a fundraising page on social media is worth a donation on average of £10.

Share progress updates

You can raise 14% more by sharing updates, photos, and videos to your Fundraising Page!


We’ve got your back

Get help crossing that fundraising finish line with Running for Good! Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, take a look at our top tips and recipes or join the community.

Learn more about the TCS London Marathon 2025

Visit the official London Marathon website

Start fundraising in London Marathon

Create your page now to make a difference for charity in one of the world’s most iconic sporting events.

Start fundraising