Raise money to pay your bills
If you or someone you know is facing financial challenges, you’re not alone. We’ve got resources and tools to help you find support and raise money for your own needs.
With JustGiving, you can raise money to help with bills, help with rent, or pay for unexpected expenses for you or someone you know.
Create your page in minutes with no upfront fees, and get your money directly to your bank account. People are crowdfunding on JustGiving to supplement their income and raise money for…
- Medical bills
- Pet bills
- Electric bills
- Rent payments
- Utility bills
- Local community bills
- Hospice costs
- Gas bills
- Phone bills
Raise money to help pay bills
With JustGiving, it’s easy to raise money online for your own cause or expenses.
Raise money to help pay your bills. Create your page in minutes.
- No platform fee – keep more of what you raise
- Donations go directly to your bank account in 6-10 working days
- Reach more donors on the world’s most trusted fundraising website
How can you raise money?
Here are a few of the top ways fundraisers are using JustGiving to raise money for their own causes and improve.
Funeral costs
You can raise money to remember loved ones and cover the cost of funerals or memorial services.
Medical bills
You can cover the cost of medical treatment for yourself or others.
Vet bills
You can fund treatment and cover medical bills for your pets or rescued animals.
Unexpected expenses
You can raise money for hospice costs, community project costs, utility bills, and phone bills.
More financial resources
Get online fundraising information and support to help with finances, unpaid bills and debts, and overall financial wellbeing from these charities and organisations.
The Money Charity
Financial wellbeing education and advice for people of all ages.
Debt Advice Foundation
Free, confidential advice to anyone worried about loans, credit and debt.
Mental Health & Money
Clear, practical advice and support for people experiencing issues with mental health and money.
Start raising money now
Create your page in minutes with no upfront fees, and get your money directly to your bank account.