Matched Donations

Getting your employer to match the donations you receive is a great way to help you reach your target.

How it works

Getting your employer to match the donations you receive to your page is a great way to help you to hit your fundraising target…but how does it work and how can you get your employer to agree?

Most large companies offer a formal donation matching scheme as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme, and many smaller ones will be happy to offer to match donations if you approach them and let them know about your fundraising.

How to approach your employer

Find out if your company already offers a scheme

Speak to your manager or human resources department to find out if a donation matching scheme exists, and how much they can commit to match. If they do, great! Skip to the third step.

Ask them to match your donations

If they don’t have a donation matching scheme, ask if they would consider offering one to you.

You can show them your JustGiving page, mention how other companies are helping runners just like you and inform them that they only need to match up to a threshold that they are comfortable with (most will be up to £500 or so).

Get them to add their matched donation to your page

Get your employer to add their donation to your JustGiving Fundraising Page, and be sure to post an update and thank them!